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Rida Chem was amongst the very few water based resin industries of its time since 1997. The journey at the beginning have been very bumpy and rusty. Our Philosophy; “The Quality Is Our Main Concern”, was enough motivating for us to combat all the hardship. With clear determination, extreme focus, no compromise to our commitments, severe quality concerns and indeed continuous struggle of Mr. Mubashir Ali has earned the company a place in their field. With every mill stone the company had achieved, it has improved and have become better and better.

By the grace of Allah Al-Mighty, day by day the company is accelerating, today we are working with some of the leading companies the consume water base resins. In fact our production is already in 7,500 approx. tonnes per annum, adding more to this we have extended. Another feather to our cap is that we are now exporting our products to different in south Asia and soon will export outside Asia as well. Keeping in view the environmental concerns of today, all our products are environment friendly. Adding to this we are prone to adding new technologies to our production unit and system, so that we meet the today’s standard and remain up-to-date. To satisfy our customers is our utmost priority, in fact this is what that makes us different from others.

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